Secret Chord

Virtual Shows, Stories, and Songs

Join Secret Chord and Get Free Access!

"Secret Chord makes me feel motivated and connected."

- Tanis Lemons, Secret Chord Member

Exclusive Show Invites

Every month I host virtual concerts featuring top artists from across the country. We share songs, stories, and the inner workings of the creative process.

Secret Chord Stories

Every week I write short stories from my life as a songwriter, guitarist, and creative. Every story is filled with humor, philosophy and creative inspiration for you.

Music In Your Inbox

In addition to my new realeases and a weekly updated playlist, I also give you a behind the scenes look at my creative process. 

Don't Worry...

1. Secret Chord is 100% Free.

Honestly, this is a passion project for me. I pay all of the artists up front out of my own pocket so you don't have to. There is an option to donate at shows, but never any pressure at all!

2. You don't have to be an artist or musician to sign up.

One of my cor beliefs about creativity is that every single person is reative in their own right. While the shows do center around the creative process, many of the people attend t

3. Overcome perfectionism with weekly creative prompts.

It's easy to spend more time feeling inadequate or daunted about our dreams than it is to actually work on them. Creative prompts are short exercises that bring your playful side back into your life and help you bypass perfectionism, comparison and anxiety.

Here's What Subscribers are Saying...

 I never give out my email because I'm tired of receiving crap, but I look forward to the Secret Chord show invitations and creative prompts.  Jake Farr is a talented writer and musician, I enjoy reading his feature articles and being introduced to other artists.  Even if he printed these on used greasy discarded hamburger wrappers and sent them via USPS... I would excitedly wait by my mailbox.... 

Chris Z.

Radio DJ, Guitarist

 I really enjoy getting the Secret Chord magazine and creative prompts every week. My feed is full of influencers and ads that continuously want something from me. I can easily fall into the trap of thinking I need to buy something or change myself to be better. In contrast, Jake's articles invite me to access my creative side and to be contemplative during my hectic day. I feel renewed, refreshed and encouraged by the articles and artist introductions. I am thankful for this publication that actually values the readers' creativity.  

Kendra V.

Artist, Counselor

 Secret Chord is a creative oasis. If you want to immerse yourself in the creative process, inspirational shows and curated music, this is the place for you! As a writer I feel motivated and connected in the Secret Chord community. You should totally check it out. 

Tanis L.

Writer, Teacher

"Jake's songs have a way of engulfing you the way a great book or film does. His use of imagery and detail conjure up nostalgic images of sweetness mixed with tension in a subtle yet powerful way."

- Justin Douglas, King Electric